Monthly Archives: May 2009

Her Senility


If you have every tried to upload a link to Facebook, you have seen this window before. This is a security feature on many blogs and social media applications called ‘captcha’. You are required to type the words in the box in order to continue with a comment or link. This feature helps to eliminate spam and ensures that a real live person is creating the link or comment.

The other day I was posting a blog link and these are key words that came up. This got me to wondering if the catcha words are targeted like the ads are. Will the next one I come upon be ‘need botox’? Or perhaps ‘crazy bee-otch’?

Ahhh, maybe I am just paranoid. But honestly, I am starting to embrace what appears to be the first showing of my senility.

Anyone else have a good set of keywords to share?

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog. For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone

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Filed under absurdities, humor

Department Store Buddies


Walking through Bloomies today I came upon this scene. Just at the moment I was walking past these two, it appeared as if they were deep in conversation. That was until I realized that the guy in the black suit with the white bucks had no head!

It really looked like cane man was palling around with these dummies. Do you think he realized that his friend was headless? Or perhaps this guys wife is constantly chewing his ear off and he finally found someone who would listen to him.

For those who know me, I am not from the shoppers. In fact, I loathe it. I get mall head and I feel all spacey and claustrophobic when I shop. I found the camera helps keep me amused.

Here is another shot that cracked me up.

men love to shop

This was taken at DSW, a discount shoe warehouse. What the hell did this guy do that he had to make it up to his wife by going shoe shopping with her? And really, what kind of woman wants her guy with her for this activity. Hey, get some girlfriends, will you?

One of these days I am going to get arrested (or punched in the face) for taking pictures all the time. But it is a wonderful way to stay amused.

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone

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Filed under absurdities, carry a camera, photography

Leopard Mohawk


These are the times when not having a camera would have been a cryin’ shame. Danny spotted this guy. And no, he was not in the East Village, he was right in the center of our sleepy little hamlet.

I love his creativity, and marvel at the beautiful execution.

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone

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Filed under absurdities, carry a camera

Vaigra Soft?!!


No, I did not make this one up. This is a generic version of Viagra in a soft tab form. Apparently these were designed for those who can’t get it up or swallow. (I know, cheap shot, but admit that was funny).

I received an email today with a ridiculous subject line: ‘Look for my cell around’ from a sender named Chauncey. Under the headline ‘80% Discount’ with a Canadian Pharmacy banner was a row of pills:

Viagra, Cialis, Levitra,Tamiflu (apparently the swiney is as hot as erectile dysfunction these days), Viagra Soft and Cialis Soft.

Um, BRANDING rules folks! Viagra and Cialis S-O-F-T. I think we have a little problem with messaging here. I do a ton of work in Pharma, we change things day in and day out. How the hell did this one come to pass? (again, no pun intended).


Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone

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Filed under absurdities, humor, marketing, products, sex

Free Chocolate


Can you think of anything better than free chocolate? I was in Staples, of all places, and saw this sign in front of the register. Of course I whipped out my camera when I saw this. I find the idea of buying chocolate and then sending in a rebate kind of silly but I like the premise. Just as I was about to take this picture, the friendly cashier stuck his little head in and wanted to be in the shot. He acted like he was kidding but I knew he really wanted his picture taken. So I took and and here he is.


Don’t you just love this guy. Whenever I visit this Staples he always has a smile on his face. Today, while he was ringing me up I was having a conversation with my friend. This fellow not only eavesdropped, he jumped right in and gave his opinions. Funny, I did not think twice about it but when we got in the car my friend was hysterical that I invited him into our talk as if it were the most natural thing on earth.

Hey, what can I say, I like the guy. 

Wait, wasn’t this supposed to be about free chocolate?

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone

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Filed under carry a camera

Franks Alott


As always, carrying a camera was a good idea this weekend. While leaving the beach I saw this guy dressed in a Franks Alott T.

I will forgive this shirt for being from Abercrombie & Fitch because it really is just the right amount corny and the graphics are perfect. The hot dog is like a weiner version of  Mr. Peanut and the type so reminiscent of tacky fast food that I fell for the authenticity of the shirt. 

After all, how can you not love a tagline that states:

Alotta weenie for not alotta dough!


Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone

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Filed under carry a camera, humor, products

Time to Cry Tuesday – Share Our Strength


This week’s installment of Time to Cry Tuesday is about kids helping kids. 

Through a wonderful organization, my neighbor’s kids organized a mega bake sale this weekend. While other kids were swimming, riding bikes or going to the beach, this group decided to make a difference. 

Share Our Strength is committed to end child hunger. Their latest program is the Great American Bake Sale. Presented by Domino and C&H sugars, 100% of the funds raised from this national campaign go towards feeding kids. The most rewarding part is that the funds stay local, supporting after school and summer feeding programs. 

Professionally, being involved in designing turn-key programs in the past, I am impressed with how comprehensive the program is. They supply all sorts of materials to make the bake sales a success.

As a community member, and a mom, I am touched by the commitment of these kids to help those who are in need. 

To quote my fave new Dave Matthews song:

Funny the way it is
If you think about it
Somebody’s going hungry
And someone else is eating out

These kids get that big time. And not only do they get it, they are doing something about it! 


Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone

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Filed under charity, communities, Time to Cry Tuesdays

Memorial Day – abridged version


Garden, garden, garden.

BBQ. Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol. FOOD! Great friends with all the college kids attending!

Dog walk.

Starbucks. Guy in front of me, “I would like an iced soy chai, no water, double chai and not too much ice.”

Seriously! It’s Sunday morning, have a friggin’ cup of coffee like a normal person!

Pick up kid in Westchester. 

Garden center, pedicure, BBQ. (less alcohol)

Snoring on the couch.


Garden. BEACH! And for something different.


And you?

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone

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Filed under holidays

Spy Shop


This picture was taken on the north service road of the Long Island Expressway just before exit 37. For those who are not familiar with the North Shore of Long Island, this is what I like to refer to as the belly of the money beast. Like moneytown on my friend Twentyfour’s blog, this is a place where wealth is most often worn on the sleeve, and usually it is a designer one.

Yes, this is the land of the lifestyle of the rich and clueless.

I had seen it on my way out of the area earlier in the day and made it a point to stop on the way home to take this picture. I pass this spot often, but have never seen this store. Perhaps it is new.

I could not help but wonder how a spy shop could survive here. Note the ‘s’ at the end of shops. Does this infer a chain of these stores?

Really now, are there that many spies living on the Gold Coast? I was at a party tonight and showed a few people the picture. I asked how they thought this place stayed in business. The first response was that it was for spouses to catch each other cheating. The second was that they sold nannycams. The third was the same as the first and came from her spouse. Don’t worry, they just think alike, neither one of them would need this store.

So, any other thoughts on how a Spy Shop stays in business in an upscale suburban town?

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone

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Filed under absurdities, carry a camera, humor, places of interest, signage

Ground Control to Major Toilet

toilet control

When eating at a new restaurant, some people are impressed by the bar. Others are interested in the mood set by the decor. Still others focus on the food.

Me? I am all about the bathrooms. What? You are not surprised by that? Well, after all, this is the same blog that has brought you the Japanese restaurant Modern Toilet, elephant poop paper, and fart pads. Sorry, if you find this infantile. I understand, but there is something about bathroom humor that always makes me laugh. Sophomoric? Duh!

The photo above was taken in the bathroom of a very chic NYC restaurant that my sorry ass has no business eating in. Mirimoto NYC is tragically hip and filled with the most severe of materials: polished cement, leaf embedded resin, glass dividers, acrylic butt-hugging bar stools, walls created from hundreds of bottles and a crowd that frankly looked a little on the hungry side to me. Face it, if you are that skinny there is no way you are in this place for the food. Surprisingly, the food was excellent. 

I entered the bathroom stall and noticed two things immediately. First, the toilet seat was heated. Seriously! I thought we are not supposed to seat on public toilet seats. Perhaps the heat is thought to kill the germs. I was in full squat when I felt the heat rising off the seat. Then I looked to the right and saw this very impressive control panel. In case you can’t read the labels let me list them here:

Flush (this one is basic), oscillating (hmm, remind me why do I want to have my toilet oscillate again?), pulsating (I guess this would be the obvious follow-up to oscillating), dryer (all that previous activity probably causes some splashing, so this makes sense), stop (good idea to have this option in case any of these features gets to be too much), rear cleansing (self explanatory), front cleansing (same), pressure (anyone wonder why we need pressure from our toilet, isn’t life stressful enough?) and of course your fave and mine, position. Not sure what the little symbols were for but I think they had to do with cleaning.

I was a few glasses of wine to the wind when I entered the bathroom, and for the life of me I do not know why I did not try out all the toilet options. I suppose I was a little bit intimidated or maybe too concerned with getting a picture to make sure I did not hallucinate this one.

I will leave you with this question. Was this panel custom designed or can you actually buy this for your home?

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone

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Filed under absurdities, carry a camera, humor, New York City, photography, places of interest