Monthly Archives: June 2013

Confused Supermarket



Could I have been the only person who noticed this? I am pretty sure I am the only one who took a picture.

This is proof that most people are on autopilot most of the time. I did spend a little time to see if the melon sign was on the display of pineapples. (too much time on my hands?)

Wait, am I a bad person for making fun of this instead of pointing it out?

Never mind, this falls under the category of doing little things during the day to entertain myself.


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Filed under absurdities, humor, signage

Video on Instagram… Vinekiller?

video for instagram

Well, well, well. Bless their little monopolistic hearts, facebook has just blown up Vine with video for instagram. And as much as I want to say it sucks… I can’t.

Quick run-through:

  • iOS and Android – Good move but I personally don’t care. But it is huge.
  • 15 seconds vs 6 – Don’t care that much, this is like bar mitzvah videos to me, sometimes less is more. Brands will love it. Little 15 second spots all over town… great opp.
  • Editing – This is big. Not sure why it is not in their bullet screen above; this is a big feature. The Vine purists will say that capturing it in one take is the artform – it keeps it fresh, it keeps it real. I get that, but really? Bullshit, everyone likes to edit.
  • 13 custom filters – Yum and they had to do it. And filters by frame can be beautiful, or really tacky depending whose hands they are in like anything else. I admit I love filters but as an artist I am in that crowd that wears the #nofilter hashtag proudly whenever I can. Because, you know, ‘I went to art school, yo.” (and yes, I am way to old too say ‘yo’)
  • Cover frame – lovely, I like that I can pick the frame for the feed. And brands… this is huge for you.
  • Cinema – OMG, I actually can’t say anything bad about stabilization. (Seriously, who doesn’t aspire to stability? What? That is not what it means?) There is no need to take a Dramamine when watching these vids, they are crisp and beautiful (with only a moderate amount of drinking while shooting, I am assuming).

I am still a huge fan of looping and think it is what makes Vine so cool when used correctly, so I am not sure not including it was wise. But I am not sure if Vine will survive this. On the other hand, Vine is the new frontier and the younguns’ are getting sick of the facebook clutter.

What are your thoughts?


Filed under carry a camera, communities, current events, design, facebook, home video, photography, product reviews, technology

Anti-pervert Hairy Legs


It has been quite awhile since something made me laugh this hard. If you are my friend on facebook I apologize for the redundancy.

This little tidbit of hysteria comes from chinasmack.

These suckers are ‘full leg of hair stockings” and according to China’s microblogging service Sina Weibo, they are ‘essential for young girls going out.’

I am thinking these would look really hot with a pair of stilettos and a short skirt. I mean, why wear a pair of modest pants or maybe a long skirt when you can totally freak out every guy you come in contact with by wearing these?

Every dad’s dream, right? There is nothing that says I love you better than a gift of hairy leg stocks for daddy’s little girl.

Why do I feel I must own a pair of these? Oh right… Magnet for the Absurd.

You are all very welcome.

Yes, you can consider me fully back to blogging regularly with this post.


Filed under absurdities, body image, humor

Big 10 Mom

badgers tickets

Yes, that is my desk. Yes it was a Monday morning and I had plenty of work that had to be done. And yes, I really do have that many screens.

This Monday marked the 7th year in a row (one year being a double with 2 kids involved) that I have been in charge of making sure my little Badgers are able to get their season student football tickets. If you know anything about attending a Big 10 school, you know what serious business this is.

When my daughter first went to UW you had to Fed Ex in your forms. For some reason I missed the last pick up and a friend and I drove frantically through town chasing down the Fed Ex truck. (yes, I have friends who would do this with me)

Why, you ask, is this my responsibility and not theirs? Let’s see, for at least 6 of these 7 years at least one of them was a counselor in the Adirondacks with no cell service and no computers. (worth doing it to know they could actually unplug for the summer) And this year, young Daniel is a working stiff, riding the Long Island Railroad at the exact time that the tickets went on sale.

I am happy to report I am 8 for 8 on season tics for my kids.

Next June I will have that same bittersweet feeling about not having to do this as I had when I did not have any camp trunks scattered all over my living room the second week in June.

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Filed under camp, college, family, humor

Time to Cry Tuesday – An End

All BadAll bad things must come to an end? I will hold on to this thought. And although this is some cryptic graphic messaging for all you Breaking Bad fans out there, when I passed this on the street today I liked to think of it as my personal message from the universe.

Everyone gets their share of bad. Some of us are over-achievers and we get our ‘bad’ in big, fat, miserable prolonged, heavy doses. I call this getting your bad out of the way all at once – the bad-efficient lifestyle. When calamity seems to follow you around like a lost puppy you sort of get used to it. Hostage mentality.

But being a realistic optimist I am going to hold on to the the idea that ‘all bad things must come to an end.’


Till ‘the end’ shows its lovely little light at the end of the tunnel, I will keep looking for the signs.

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Filed under New York City, photography, signage

Obviously Men Can’t Smell


Or, hey bud, your nose is more than just a place to keep your finger.

Monday 7:30 AM, returning home from an early morning dog walk.

Scene: 2o-year-old son at kitchen table in the ‘I will never get used waking up early and commuting’ intern stupor, hunched over a bowl of cereal praying no one will speak. Not just to him, but at all. Husband preparing to make a smoothie.

Me: Um… don’t you guys smell burning plastic?

Gary: No.

Danny: (silence, or at best an imperceptible grunt)

Me: Are you KIDDING me? (thinking about how the kitchen smelled oddly like we were manufacturing small plastic toys or making shrinky dinks.) Did anyone use the toaster oven or the micro this morning?

Gary: Not me.

Danny: (silence and fear that this line of questioning was not going to be short, only adding to his misery at an hour that is closer to his usual bedtime than one he has considered morning since high school)

Me: HELLOOO, no one smells this?! (now my eyes are starting to sting and the dog is coughing)

At this point I am somewhat convinced there is a direct correlation between possessing a penis and having no solid sense of smell. This realization, of course, comes from a woman who can smell an old sponge in your kitchen…

no matter how far away you live from here.

Gary: (opening the dishwasher) There you go!

And there, seared to the coil on the bottom of the dishwasher, sat the remains of a Tupperwear lid.

In red.

After using the requisite Jewish tool… the steak knife (which is an upgrade from the usual butter knife) we tossed around some brilliant ideas like using a razor blade and slicing the plastic off the coil, running another cycle to re-melt the sucker and peel it off while it is hot, or trying to ‘remove the coil’ ourselves.

Realizing that any of these would result in quadrupling the ultimate cost of the repair I called ‘my girls’ who always seem to have ‘a guy’ (why don’t I ever have a guy, I have lived her for 25 friggin years, I should have at least one guy).

Enter RALPH.

I love Ralph. He can actually smell. AND he can fix!

I love a problem I can fix. Or at least that Ralph can.

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Filed under danny, gary, homeowner, humor