Monthly Archives: January 2009


Scene: Three 16-year-old boys playing xbox 360 and laughing at youtube videos all afternoon, the day after mid-terms end. My basement. (yes, the one with the crickets)

Me: I am going to get the dog groomed (no, this was not her punishment for not eating crickets, she suffers from D.O. and needed a bath). Do you guys want me to pick up anything?

Boy 1: YES, can you get me a half and half from the deli? (this deli is famous for half iced tea/half lemonade)

Me: Go ahead and order lunch and I will pick it up.

My son: Thanks mom. 

Upon my return we unpack the bag of food and I see there are only 2 sandwiches and 3 boys. 

Me: Did they forget a sandwich?

My son: No, Boy 1 only ordered a half and half.

Me: Why?

Boy 3: Because he is a manorexic!

Me: Hey, that’s funny! Did you make that up.

Boy 3: Nah

Which is true, he did not. Seems manorexic is in urban dictionary with more than one listing, my favorite of which was #2:

n. an anorexic of the male persuasion. an emaciated male.
Did you see that pathetic emo kid? He was such the manorexic.

Now please do not get all upset with me and say that I am being insensitive to a serious disorder. It is simply that I cannot resist a made up word! Think of it as my own illness! And hey, at least I was not crass enough as to put a picture with this post.
And seriously, I am not kidding here, I know that eating disorders are no joke. 

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone.

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Filed under absurdities, danny, humor

Crickets in January

Cricket 01Once again the command center has turned into a little episode of Wild Kingdom. For those who do not read me regularly (shame on you) the command center is my office in the basement. It is safe to say I spend a scant 10 hours a day here on average. Ok, maybe 12, I am just a little embarrassed about that. 

A while back I wrote about the critter that was living in the soffit of my ceiling. I thought that little sucker was gone but it would seem that the freezing temps and snow must have driven the little guy back in there and he – with perhaps a friend or two – were doing the scurry thang all night last night. 

No worries, I am sort of used to it and did not think all that much about it. Until…

I heard and then FOUND a friggin cricket hopping across the floor. A cricket?! In January? WTF, what the hell is going on. Pretty soon I am going to have a petting zoo down here. 

And really, what is up with the dog? She can’t earn her keep and pull a little Where in the World is Matt Lauer and eat a cricket of two?

Thinking she wants to renegotiate her contract.

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone.

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Filed under absurdities, homeowner, humor, pets

Home Candy


Those have to be my two most favorite words on earth. Seriously, talk about branding. The comfort of home and the rush of sugar. And this shot, with the confectionary dusting of snow in front of the sign is too good to be true.

When I took this picture I was not familiar with the store. Now that I have checked them out online I am hopelessly in love. Talk about innovation in merchandising. Kind of like a sale in a garage… garage sale? Their goods are the type of things that you could surely live without out but you think really NEED. 

Love. Love. Love.

Except for these fluffy mittens. These I don’t get at all. And I REALLY don’t get them at $70 or even the sale price of $59.50.

But the dog bowls… very cool. Kitchenware… want everything on this page (except the egg tray, just don’t serve this many eggs unless it is Passover) . The Vintage Collection is a riot. Pretty sure between my mom and I we have most of these items. I may have to rename this section ‘Nana’s Pantry’. (seriously Mom, check this out, you will crack up). And the grand finale… the wallets are very fun.

You just never know when you grab a quick shot walking down the street what you will uncover.

Again, that is why I always carry a camera.

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone.

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Filed under carry a camera, grandmothers, New York City, photography, products, trends

Fur Coat and Cowboy Boots…


…on an eight-year-old?

Whenever I think I have seen it all in this crazy little zip code I call home, someone comes along and surprises me.

I was out to dinner at a low-key brick oven pizza place with my boys this evening. We were enjoying our dinner, with the guys pretending to listen to me but really watching soccer on the TV over my shoulder listening intently to me and hanging on my every word.

Suddenly, the little girl at the next table stood up and with all the attitude of a truly privileged little monster self-assured super-model, she swung her little fur coat on and pranced out on her little be-booted feet like she owned the place.

Hey twentyfour, money town has nothing on this east coast version.

The other highlight of dinner? Paulie from Rocky was sitting at the next table! 

Gotta love this town.

(an no that is a not a picture of the kid silly, she was wearing a short fur jacket and much hipper Frye boots)

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone.

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Filed under absurdities, communities

Time to Cry Tuesday – An Icon

Sorry, third time in as many weeks that I am posting about loss. However, this one is quite different.

Sunday I had the pleasure (yes pleasure!) of attending a memorial service for someone who helped shape the woman I am today.  Actually, not just me, but hundreds of women through the 60s and 70s. This woman, Alice Sternin, was the director of the summer camp I attended. I have posted about this idyllic place from my childhood before, as both my children are fortunate enough to share in the legacy.

I have never attended a service where there was as much laughter as tears. The essence of this woman was described by countless speakers. Everyone in the room shared the same memories of this tiny woman who was larger than life.

People traveled from all over the country. Family and friends spoke. One after another, stories were shared that sparked long forgotten memories for each one of us . When her famous lines were quoted, the entire room joined  in unison. Treasured camp songs were sung and tears were shed for the loss, not just of this woman, but the childhood jewel this perfect place had been for all of us.

My daughter has had the good fortune to have had this same experience. The following is an excerpt from a letter I wrote to Jana and her girls at the end of their last summer as campers. This sums up what this woman built. And her legacy will carry on long after she is gone.

You are so very lucky to have this piece of your life. Camp is something that you cannot put a label on. There are no words to describe how you feel when you are with your girls. How the sight of the lake and mountains fill your heart in a way that nothing else in this world truly can. The essence of camp is ingrained in each and every one of you. It is part of what makes you who you are, and believe me, who you will always be. We are all beyond lucky to know these feelings.

Leaving is never easy.  All these years later I still tear up as I walk out of camp and drink in one last moment of the place I love so much.

Never, NEVER, take this place for granted. Hold it close and it will never let you down.  

Today, as I sat with MY girls so many years later, I felt the full weight of those words.

Here’s to you Big Al! The toughest camp director in the East. With the biggest heart! You will be dearly missed, but rest easy, your legacy will never die.

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone.

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Filed under friendship, Jana, loss, relationships, Time to Cry Tuesdays

Now she becomes a book reviewer?!

6a00d83451a8cf69e2010536eb729f970c-120wiI have spent the last 20 years trying my best to get involved in a book club and I have finally found the type I could handle. A virtual one. Yes, I know, I have a strange knack of finding almost everything I need in the basement. Kind of scary, but hey, it works for me.

The Silicon Valley Moms Blog was given the opportunity to review Diana Spechler’s new novel, Who by Fire. I jumped at the chance to read this and share my thoughts with the group. Other reviews will be linked at the bottom of this post as well as the lead in post on our group blog. The author will be available there for comments throughout the day, making this quite intriguing for me to participate in.

This is an interesting story about the power of family and how circumstance and human frailty can compromise these bonds. Being one who hates when a book review gives away the entire story – because then why bother – I will be brief in my description.

The story opens with the disappearance of the youngest of three children. It is set in a suburban community not unlike my own. The family is Jewish, and similar to my own family, more traditional than truly religious. The loss of their young daughter causes irreparable damage to this family. The parents split and the remaining siblings take very different paths. The son turns to Orthodox Judaism and flees to Israel, the daughter turns to a life of unfulfilling sexual encounters, often with strangers.

You are thinking, so much for not giving too many details? Sorry, you need these to follow my ‘review’. This is not a traditional book review filled with likes and dislikes or analysis of writing style. I did enjoy the book, found it a quick read and would recommend it for that reason. However it is the lesson from this story that stuck with me and kept me thinking long after I put the book down. 

This book was about motherhood and the lengths to which we will go to save our children and preserve a sense of family unity, sometimes at the risk of destroying the individuals and their right to choose their own paths. As mothers, we claim to want to see our children lead happy and fulfilling lives. But what happens when the path they choose is not the one we sought for them? Do we support their life decisions, or do we push them away with the very acts that we think will draw them closer?

The mother in this story is torn by her son’s decision to pursue a more religious path than she has taken. She goes so far as to consider his choice cult-like. It aggravated me to think of how this tortured her and led her to manipulate her kids. I have known people who have chosen to live more religious lives than their parents. Although it is hard on their families they work it out and respect their lifestyle.

The hardest thing for a parent to do is to hold their tongue and only give advice when it is asked for. We live in a generation of helicopter parenting and over-involvement that sometimes pushes our families away instead of drawing them closer.

So far I have been fortunate to have children who have level heads and make well informed solid choices. But they are on the cusp of their adulthood. The choices get harder from here on. My only hope is that I will always be able to support them no matter who they are and where life leads them.

If you would like to read more reviews of this book you can find them below. Please be warned that these are more traditional reviews and give full details of the story.

Florinda at The 3 Rs blog

Rebecca at The Book Lady’s Blog

Julie at Booking Mama

Marie at Boston Bibliophile

Gayle Weiswasser at Everyday I Write the Book Blog

Meghan at Meghan’s Mindless Muttering

Sarah at Genesis Moments

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone.

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Filed under book review, parenting



Ok, everyone who reads me knows about my love affair with Twitter, right? Well tonight, perhaps I cheated on the little bird for a moment or two, I signed up for Plinky? Yeh, I know the name is a little annoying. Kind of like peeing a slinky which conjures up all sorts of painful symptoms and flashbacks of a bad urinary infection I had back in college.

Oops, I digress, for a change!

I heard about Plinky on Twitter so you could say I am cheating but it is twitter’s own damn fault for giving us the mother of all freedoms of speech. My fellow blogger @DarryleP sent out a tweet that cracked me up:

“Help!  I am finally starting to understand Twitter—so can anyone explain Plinky??”

Of course I had to find out what she was talking about so I went and signed up. Lord knows I don’t have nearly enough online addictions! 

So here is the deal. This sucker just launched this week. Plinksters, I am giving you some link love and promoting what I think will be a lot of fun. Good luck to you and I hope this is your brass ring:

Plinky is here.

Friends, today we’re proud to announce the launch of Plinky, the little bundle of joy we’ve been gestating for oh so many months.       

What is Plinky, you ask? Well, in case you haven’t already jetted over to to check it out, Plinky is a service that makes it easy for you to create inspired content on the web.

Every day we provide a prompt (like a question, or a challenge) and you answer. Depending on the prompt, your answer may contain photos, maps, playlists and more. You can easily share your Plinky answers on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and most other major blogging services.

While I am sharing all this link love I surely must not forget to tell you to read Darryle P at i never signed up for this and her really fun new project click for clutter. Oh, and her adorable sun is at UW with Miss Jana, that small internet keeps rearing its crazy head at me! (BTW, you can still contribute to Jana’s Dance Marathon. Just click the link to her name above).

And Twitter, no worries, you are still my first love. 


Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone.

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Filed under communities, products, twitter

Goodbye Norma Jean


“You had the grace to hold yourself, while those around you crawled”

Sir Elton, how about this bizarre rendering of Marilyn?

Hold herself? Is that what is going on in this painting? Are those supposed to be her hands, because I am thinking that it might be physically impossible for one’s hands to be in that position.

So then I thought, ok, maybe they are someone else’s hands. I mean, really, not such a stretch to think that someone would want to cop a feel of those bodacious tatas, right? But notice the french manicure. So  that would make it a woman touching her (not that there is anything wrong with that) but I have never heard talk of Marilyn Monroe being gay. Hey, you never know, my dear friend Frank tells me that everyone is gay except my husband because he knows that will freak me out.

Are you wondering if this is hanging in my house? Don’t be silly, we only moved in 20 years ago. You can’t possibly think that I have hung the artwork yet.

I saw this in the art supply store. The same one that housed the ever famous bustier pocketbook and the Ricky Martin lunchbox on its sale rack. This place is the mecca for tacky. 

Note to self: visit Pearl Paint at least once a month for blogging material.

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone.

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Filed under absurdities, art, body image, products

Happy F*in Hippos!


Every once in awhile I come across a product that screams from the shelf with a sense of irony like this one. It would appear that Happy Hippo is a hippo shaped treat that looks something like a chocolate filled Twinkie with nuts and chocolate on the outside. Kind of looks like he his foaming at the mouth, no?

What should their tagline be? Eat happy hippos and you will soon look like one?

Seriously, who really wants to bite the head off of one of these things? You could certainly not eat one  in public without being self conscious. Mmmmm, gonna eat me some Happy Hippos and watch my hip(pos) grow. 

Scary thing is, I bet they fly off the shelves. Looks like they even have a little Lego promo going on at the bottom left corner of the box.

What next?

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone.

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Filed under absurdities, humor, products

Not a Snowball’s Chance…


Once again, the infamous Mel finds herself on the blog. She is truly becoming an internet celebrity. I am not sure but I think I heard her asking for her own spinoff blog. And I saw an application of name change near her bed… she really does not look like a Perez!

Yes folks, that is a snowball in her mouth. She did cheat a bit as I saw her digging and then she jumped in the car with this. I believe there is a tennis ball in the center of that snow. (again, mention of cold balls, this is getting ridiculous).

Note to self: have car cleaned.

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at Mid-Century Modern Moms and at 50-Something Moms Blog.

For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone.

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Filed under absurdities, carry a camera, mel, pets, photography