Monthly Archives: October 2011


Seriously? Snow in NY in October?! Not sure I am ready for another winter just yet. I still have it in the back of my mind that I can get in another beach day.

We were lucky; just a dusting and we kept power. Many of my friends north and west of hear got dumped on AND lost electricity… again. With no hopes of it returning before Tuesday or Wednesday. Just a tip you guys, you get a free pass to eat as much candy as you want today.

Here’s hoping you all get your power back sooner than later and have a happy and SAFE Halloween.

I, for one, can’t wait to see all the little kids in their costumes.

On a not so kid oriented note, here is my favorite urban dictionary word of the week:

Damn, I wish I thought of that one!

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Filed under carry a camera, holidays, urban dictionary

Are You Ready for a Zombie Attack

This one is for my husband. A true lover of Zombies I thought he would appreciate it. This is also my way of finding out if he is reading this blog.

With halloween fast approaching and no candy in my house just yet, I felt the need to start to get into the holiday spirit. I particularly like this iconic translation into exceptional zombie art.

Yes, it’s late when I am writing this.

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Filed under absurdities, carry a camera, holidays

Halloween in Exquisite Form

Oh how I love this photo. This was hanging in a thrift shop window in Baltimore and the whole ensemble caught my eye. This would make one hell of a halloween costume. Probably not in my zip code but surely there is a time and place where this would be the envy of all the ‘girls’.

I especially love the type on the ‘form’. It is truly exquisite.

Hey, do you think this would go well with those afro wigs Gary has had his eye on? (don’t ask)

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Filed under absurdities, carry a camera, holidays, travel

Time to Cry Tuesday – The Cure of Friendship

It has been a rough 2 weeks. For those who do not read regularly, we lost our dog suddenly. It has been very hard on me and I felt as if the sadness would never lift. There has been a heaviness in my chest that felt permanent and it worried me.

Until this weekend. I was lucky enough to be included in a birthday celebration for a very special friend. (and the bonus was it was near my brother and sister-in-law, so we got to spend some wonderful time together beforehand)

Nine women traveled from near and far to join together and celebrate. We were all tied by our love of this woman and the many ways in which she is special to us. Nine woman – some of whom knew only one or two people there before we arrived – all left with eight new friends. All sorts of both interesting and ridiculously outrageous conversation ensued. Hours of laughter and lots of great food and wine helped to accelerate what became one of the most extraordinary evenings I have ever experienced.

Her husband and sons graciously got the hell out of there  slept out so we could have the house to ourselves. Our wonderful chef prepared tapas paired with incredible wine choices. He got quite an earful with the topics we discussed. In true James Bond form we should have killed him at the end of the evening.

Instead we all followed him on twitter and promised to tell all our followers how great his food was. (we can be that way)

On my long ride home I thought a lot about what made the evening such a success. How could nine otherwise unrelated women all come to an event like this at our age… and sleep over! I think the answer was clear – because our friend is just the type of person you would do that for. I arrived there knowing that the conversation would be both stimulating and outrageous. That the topics would range from raising kids, teens, young adults to dealing with aging parents; career paths, art, music, life choices, of course social media and yes dying dogs. No topic was taboo yet every one of them was met with tolerance, empathy and a big dose of not taking ourselves all that seriously. Each one of us brought to the table their varied experiences and the humor to get through just about anything.

And most of us have.

A huge thank you to my dear friend’s sister-in-law and husband who made this happen. I feel truly honored to have been a part of this and grateful for the new friendships made.

Oh yeh, and thanks for the biggest jam-master hangover I have had in a long time… it was surely worth it.

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Filed under friendship, Time to Cry Tuesdays

Kind of

This little pack of gum could come in really handy. Dealing with someone who is treating you like crap? Well then just hand them a pack of ‘You’re kind of a dick’ gum.

I love gum with a message. This should not be confused with the I Heart My Penis gum, which would most probably be given to you by a guy who could use a pack of Your kind of a dick. And you could also hand it to anyone who responded yes when you offered him a piece of Does this gum make my ass look big?

The way I look at it, you could answer almost any question with a pack of gun. Well almost.


Filed under absurdities, humor, product reviews

Rat as Accessory

See anything odd about this catalog page?

If you have the new Urban Outfitters catalog in your house, flip over to page 18 and check out this chick on the bottom right with the rat on her head. (or is that a mouse?)

Because, you know, every young woman wants to wear a rat when she goes out.

WTH? Seriously, the art director walks in and says to the waif-like model, ‘ok hon, so for the next shot I want you to wear a rat on your head’.

And she is fine with it.

I believe this has something to do with the fact that she probably needs a cookie.


Filed under advertising, animals, companies, fashion

Time to Cry Tuesday – Brilliance

There is nothing better than someone who remains passionate and true to their craft, even after many years of practicing it. I am fortunate (and proud) to still have friends from art school who have kept it fresh. One such person is my dear friend Scott.

We have reconnected recently and I love to follow his posts, seeing his new projects and looking at the world through his eyes that have never lost the wonder and sense of joy that each new project brings.

I am so very proud of his latest accomplishment and wanted to share. Scott entered the Architectural Record/AIA Napkin Sketch competition with this enchanting submission above. The requirement stated that the sketch must be on a 5×5 napkin… and as Scott stated, ‘No one said it had to be flat’.

Hence, they had to make a new category for his submission and gave him an award. You can read about it here.

A huge thank you to Scott for continuing to always see the world through those ever questioning eyes, for never feeling the boundaries and for taking every project that one step further.

And of course, for NEVER coloring in the lines.

Congrats, my friend.


Filed under art, design, friendship, Time to Cry Tuesdays

Like a Hole in the Head

Have you ever thought about that expression? I need that like a hole in the head. A little violent, no? That is sort of like when I was little and said I was bored and my father’s two favorite lines were , ‘Then, go play in traffic’ and the ever famous child-rearing spark of genius, ‘Then, go bang your head against the wall.’

This awning sits atop a carpet store not far from where I live. I pass it often and never really processed it. I suppose it was simply part of the passing visual color outside my window. On Saturday we pulled into the parking lot for something else and of course I had to take this picture.

What do you think this guy was thinking? Catchy I suppose. But really a bit creepy. If I am not mistaken, there is a guns and ammunition store not far from here. Installing this awning on the wrong store could have been very unfortunate.

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Filed under absurdities, carry a camera, signage

iPhone 4S and the antics it spawned

If you ever met me you know I am a long-standing uber loyal MacUser. Not one of these OMG the new shiny/shiny is out I have to get me some sort of MacUser. I am the I have a Mac SE under my desk that I upgraded to a 52MG hard drive and thought I was all that sort of MacUser. (for my young readers, read the history of Apple)

So today, I am proud to announce I have finally left the ranks of dissatisfied Blackberry users and crossed over to the iPhone side. Of course it is love at first site. For the first time ever, I took my (fully charged) phone out of the box, synched it to my computer in under 3 minutes and went about my day.

No cursing.

No loss of data.

No hassles.

In celebration of this momentous event I have started a new blog:

No, I am not kidding. Here is a little screen shot.

I apologize to RIM for this. And honestly at the beginning I loved the Blackberry. But I probably hold the record for both more units needing to be replaced AND the most forced, pull-out-the-battery restarts in a day.

I am soliciting submissions from people on how they choose to express the grief they have had from their Blackberries. (video or photo).

So hop on over. And feel free to send in your submissions. Be creative and don’t be shy.


Filed under blogging, humor, technology

On Mistakes

This came in the chinese food a few weeks ago. I can’t remember whose fortune it was but it matters not.

Who doesn’t repeat a good mistake now and then? You know, you did something, the outcome was a train wreck and the situation arises again and this time you are sure you can fix it and make things right. And then just as you think the outcome is going to be different and you have a really good handle on things you realize …

Oh my G-d, I remember this part. This is a HUGE mistake; and you brace yourself for the fallout with a good old-fashioned cringe.

Then you dust yourself off and make a mental note to not be stupid enough to try it a third time.


Filed under fortunes, humor