Tag Archives: EnvironFax Commission

Fax Us Your Unwanted Faxes… huh?

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Ivy received this today, via fax of course. I don’t know why but it gave us both the giggles. Ok, I know why it gave her the giggles, she was jet lagged and sending a kid off to camp lagged in combination. Everything is funny when you are in that state. Me? I guess everything is just funny to me.

Or everything absurd, anyway.

So, I get the service. You fax them the crap you don’t want like the ones I got this week: “Right Tech Roofing” and “New Vacation Policy for All Employees”. Um, I work for myself and have not had a vacation in almost as long as I have owned a damn fax machine so I get why I would want to stop these from coming in.

Adding the word ‘Environ’ to their name was clever. And adding the Commission on the end adds a level of official business. Lovely branding, guys, really.

EnvironFax Commission

Let’s see, I get a fax. (sheet of paper 1). Then I fax it to them. (sheet of paper 2). Then they fax the sender (sheet of paper 3). Environ? Not so much.

Ok, I am not stupid, in theory they will handle the unwanted faxes and they will stop coming to me avoiding sheets of paper 4-4,000. And they are a nonprofit org so that is a good thing.

Still, the headline cracks me up. Is it me?

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog. For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone.

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Filed under absurdities, humor