Cosmic Brownies?

Who knew that crazy Little Debbie would think to come up with an item like Cosmic Brownies?

There she sits in the upper left corner of the package wearing that goofy hat and the look of pure innocence while peddling wacky hallucinagenic confections.

At first I thought I read the package wrong. Could there be a brand manager out there who is so clueless they did not get what this implied? Or is the entire brand team still laughing at what they got away with?

Of course I found this as an impulse by item at a Walgreens in a college town.

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Filed under absurdities, photography, products

3 responses to “Cosmic Brownies?

  1. my kids love these things!

  2. J.

    Is “chocolate chip candy” code for something? 😉

    (Somewhere in heaven Jerry Garcia is weeping.)

  3. I’d love to see that ingredients list, hahaha.

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