How many years does the average person waste being an idiot?

Good start, right? I needed a good opener since it’s been a while. Thank you to Marta Molnar for asking this question in the delightful book I am reading, The Secret Life of Sunflowers. I am a bit rusty, but here goes:

Is sharing weird stuff journaling?

Is stopping on the street to shoot something that intrigues you journaling?(apologies to all who walk with me)

Is taking a shot of a quote in a book and sharing it journaling?

Does it matter what we call it?

I ask because I decided that I wanted to start my day journaling. I have more time now (making the name of this blog sort of ironic) and felt the need for some structure in the morning. And then I realized, I used to do this every day here!

So… I think I am back. But don’t hold me to it. And you can call this whatever you like.

This morning’s thoughts were spawned by the quote in the title. I took a shot of my kindle (sort of analog/digital behavior) and sent it to my son. This is one of our traditions that I simply adore.

It begs this question for all of us. I would like to believe that my behavior is driven by thinking things through and going with my gut. But I have to own the fact that I have spent many days being an idiot. Plain and simple. Pure ‘what the hell was I thinking’ stuff. By this age they probably add up to a few years at least!

Note to self: Be less of an idiot.


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Filed under blogging, humor, writing

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