Time to Cry Tuesday – A Hole in the Blogosphere

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If you read me regularly you have noticed that I also write over at 50-Something Moms Blog. I have been part of the SV Moms Group community for almost two years and consider them a family of sorts. Or as Gary likes to refer to them, my satan-worshipping blog friends.

As far as I can tell, none of them are actual satan-worshippers. Instead they are hundreds of moms – and a few dads with a strong sense of their masculinity – who write about everything from parenting to politics. The blogs are segmented geographically with one demographic group – the must current group of 50-somethings I have ever met!

In the background we are members of a thriving discussion board where we offer support, help promote one another, network and collaborate. Never before have I worked within such an amazing group.

I have been in business for many years. I have watched moms struggle with every aspect of the collision of parenting and career –  be it the choice to continue working or the option to stay home. As part of this group I have watched and listened. At times I have given council and at others I have been taught by the masters. When I needed an answer or a resource on any topic, they were my go-to group and there was always someone who would jump in and help me out.

It is with great sadness that I report the SVMoms Group is dissolving the site. The bloggers were all notified at around 3:00 PM EST on Monday. Within 6 hours a new alumni community was formed on Ning with members immediately joining by the dozens. I would imagine the whole group will migrate there within a day or so. This is a network that will not dissolve.

So, to the Sisterhood of the SVMoms I show my deepest gratitude for having been a part of something so very special. And to our fearless leaders, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for inviting me to be a part of something so life-changing. (oh yeh, and letting me lie about my age for the first year I was writing on 50-something).

Yes, there will surely be a hole in the blogosphere where we once lived!

Haven’t had enough of me yet? You can also read me at 50-Something Moms Blog. For photo enthusiasts, visit Leaving the zip code, photos from outside the comfort zone.

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Filed under 50-something moms blog, blogging, carreers, communities, companies, moms, parenting, Time to Cry Tuesdays, women

5 responses to “Time to Cry Tuesday – A Hole in the Blogosphere

  1. Lovely tribute. Thank you for writing it. It will probably take me a few days to form my own thoughts. Kudos to you for being on top of the game. I look forward to interacting with everyone at the Ning site!

    • Thanks for the kind words. I suppose we are all sharing the loss. yes, the Ning site took no time in becoming active. BTW, LOVE your photography.

  2. I’m sad too—without SV moms we wouldn’t even know each other. See u over at the new place—and hopefully in person one of these days.

    • I know. I keep thinking about all the people I have met through this group and feel very lucky. When I started ‘mom blogging’ (which I assume is a stretch here) I was so tired of dirty diapers and talk of date nights. Finding a group of peers in the blogosphere was such a gift.

      And you, my friend, are on the top of that gift list. Yes we will meet IRL soon. Any trips planned to Wisco?

  3. What a wonderful post! I’m so glad to be a part of the “new” (old) group… Thanks for including me!

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